We provide a unique approach that is firmly grounded in the Stellantis Sales and After Sales Operating Guidelines. Together we’ll take your CX to the next level in perfect harmony with the brand.


Today’s automotive shoppers compare their experiences against every other retail experience with expectations that are higher than ever. We prepare you to meet those expectations.


We believe that customers desperately want to do business with you, but they expect a better experience than what they’ve had before. We help you deliver a CLIENT-FIRST EXPERIENCE at every customer touchpoint to boost loyalty and improve franchise value and profitability.

Why Maritz Automotive?

For over 125 years, we’ve helped clients like you DRIVE customer satisfaction, BUILD loyalty, OPTIMIZE process, ELEVATE the experience and INCREASE profitability. We have the most experienced retail consultants in the industry, and we make every visit count by focusing on quick wins that help you get lasting results.

Ready to Get started?

Enroll with Maritz Automotive today. Have additional questions? We can help.

Check out the FAQ

FAQ For Full 6-Month Consulting Engagement

What does the retail consulting process include?

During a series of onsite visits, your retail consultant will provide insights into your customer experience, connecting your people and processes across your entire retail operation. They’ll help you develop a customized action plan. And they’ll return to your dealership monthly to support you and your team in executing your plan.

How long does the retail consulting process last?

Maritz Automotive’s retail consulting process is a six-month partnership with you and your team—beginning with a two-day onsite visit, followed by monthly visits to your dealership.

What does the initial two-day visit look like?

Your retail consultant begins by looking into your current CX metrics. They’ll give an unbiased snapshot of your biggest CX areas of opportunity. They’ll meet with you and your management team to help diagnose the root causes of any CX performance issues. They’ll recommend optimum solutions to elevate your customer experience. And they’ll help you create a personalized, results-driven action plan focused on your top CX priorities for the next six months.

What is the action plan focused on and who owns it?

The action plan will focus on a limited set of quick wins intended to get big results. While your retail consultant will offer their recommendations based on years of best practices, the action plan is 100% yours. What you and your team choose to work on is entirely up to you.

What happens after the two-day visit?

Your consultant continues to visit your dealership each month, to assess progress and motivate and inspire your team as they work to implement your plan. In short, you’ll receive continuous engagement and guidance from your consultant to ensure that you and your team feel supported throughout the six-month process.

How much does the program cost?

For the initial six-month retail-consulting engagement, the total cost is $22,000*.
First Charge: $5,500.00*
Second Charge: $3,300.00*
Third Charge: $3,300.00*
Fourth Charge: $3,300.00*
Fifth Charge: $3,300.00*
Sixth Charge: $3,300.00*
*Pricing is exclusive of taxes, which will be billed at actual

How do I sign up?

Please click “Close” above and fill out the retail-consulting enrollment form. Be sure to fill out all of the information fields and we will be in touch very soon.

When will I know if my application was accepted?

After receiving your enrollment application, our team will review your information and details and will reply to you within 14 business days about the status of your application.

Who do I contact if I have questions before enrolling?

If you have any questions (not answered in this FAQ) about our retail consulting process before enrolling, please email us at: [email protected]

How much OEM/automotive experience do your consultants have?

Our bench of OEM-experienced consultants includes former auto executives, fixed and variable operations managers, and NADA-quality professionals who understand dealership operations because they’ve worked in and with dealerships for decades.

How many consultants will be supporting me?

You will be supported by one consultant throughout the six-month program. That means you’ll have a consistent, familiar face who you can trust to support you the whole time.

How will my consultant be chosen?

Your assigned retail consultant will be determined, based on geographic location and proximity to your dealership, as well as other factors that determine a “good fit” for you and your dealership.

What will be expected of me and my team to ensure success?

You and your team need to be 100% engaged in every visit by making yourselves available to your retail consultant. Be fully transparent with your current metrics, systems and processes, share your team and leadership capabilities, strengths and weaknesses, as well as your challenges or obstacles to success. Most importantly, keep an open mind. Be willing to embrace change and do things differently.

Where can I learn more about Maritz Automotive

Please visit us at maritzautomotive.com.

What are the program Terms and Conditions?

Review the Terms and Conditions at: maritzautomotive.com/marketcenter-terms

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